
Welcome. Your experiences are shot through with light. Let them shine on the page.

Looking for a quick introductory workshop on writing spiritual memoir?


Join Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew to explore the art and practice of spiritual memoir writing in these online, pre-recorded two-hour classes. Each online session will give participants the opportunity to listen, read, write, share within an asynchronous community space, and practice their own writing. Explore themes like character development for memoirists, exploring your childhood memories in writing, tune into your dreams as sacred texts, and more!

Cost: $25/each. See complete list of asynchronous online writing classes here.

Looking for an online course to revitalize your writing?

Enter into an ever-deepening relationship with the marvelous mystery of writing!  What the Greeks called the Muse, what Elizabeth Gilbert calls Big Magic, what writing workshops call inspiration, we explore here as the gift—the spark lending creative work its vitality. We writers can’t make the gift appear but we can cultivate the circumstances where gift thrives.

This free micro-course welcomes you into a healthy, lively, fruitful, and meaningful writing practice. We can extract ourselves from a transactional, market-economy relationship with creativity, with its relentless focus on the end produce and what others think; we can move into a life-giving, generative process that feeds our souls, strengthens our writing, and nurtures anyone who reads it.

Learn more about this free online writing class from Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew here.



















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